185 mulberry st nyc | open now

Doodle Flower Petals

Designed by

Kathryn Zeta Jaynes

Kathryn is a Brooklyn based, self-taught illustrator and tattooer dedicated to creating a safer space for all bodies to get zapped. Her tattoo designs are mom-approved and goofy as hell.

$ 150 USD

Funky flower petal tattoo hand drawn by Kathryn Jaynes.


All tattoos range from .25" to 2.5" diameter, depending on the design.

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What is a Tiny Zap?

TINY ZAPS are small, permanent tattoos done by professional tattoo artists. We believe that getting a tattoo doesn’t have to be intimidating. So we’re creating a vast library of TINY ZAPS tattoos from top artists around the world that you can claim in easy, no-pressure 30 minute appointments.

Do tattoos hurt?

Tattoos do hurt, but most people will tell you the pain is quite tolerable, especially for TINY ZAPS small tattoos. Some places on the body do hurt more than others but most of our tattoos at TINY ZAPS will take no more than a few minutes.

What size are the tattoos?

All TINY ZAPS tattoos range from .25" to 2.5" diameter, depending on the design.

Stencils will be printed in a variety of sizes during your appointment so you can work with your tattoo artist for the perfect size based on the design and placement area.

do you offer touch ups?

TINY ZAPS offers free touch ups in standard placement areas including arms and legs during a booked appointment window. More difficult areas like hands, fingers, behind the ear, and feet will have a $25 touch up fee.

Touch ups must be scheduled within 1 year of the original tattoo appointment.

Can I customize a word tattoo?

Yes! Click here to create a Text Zap customize the style using our selection of handmade fonts.

Text Zaps can be words, initials or numbers. The price of the text tattoo automatically updates based on the number of letters and font selected.

Do you accept custom designs?

We pride ourselves in working with top artists to create a vast library of tattoos that will stand the test of time, both from a quality and stylistic standpoint. For that reason, we do not accept custom artwork or provide custom tattoos.

With that said, we’re constantly creating new design sets and collections. If there’s a specific design or style you'd like to see in the TINY ZAPS tattoo library, let us know here. We’ll notify you when your request has been added.